I woke up this morning, my neck was killing me. Never again will I sleep on the couch. I opened eyes, and I saw Kat, the crazy chick she is, standing over me. Smiling, evil person… “Morning Jay!” She yelled. “Is there a time when you don’t yell??” I rubbed my eyes. “Morning sunshine.” Sharp smiled. “Morning Sharpie.” I laughed. “Jay are you gonna talk to Jenny?” Kat asked. “Eww why? I told you, she’s on her own at Wrestlemania. Bottom line.” I glared at her. She ruined my mood. “Jay, you gotta talk to her sooner or later you know.” Sharp thought. “Yeah, your right. You know when I’ll talk to her.” I uttered. “When?!?!” Kat and Sharp gasped. “When hell freezes over.” I smiled and walked into the room. Anthony was up watching T.V. I thought he would be sleeping. Oh well. “Hey Anthony.” I smiled. “Morning.” Anthony said. “What’s wrong?” I asked. “Where were you last night?” He asked right away. “Um… here. Babe I was in the limo.” I shook my head. “Oh I’m sorry; I forgot you were all over that ‘Sharp’ guy in the limo!” He yelled at me. “Okay seriously, don’t start with me. I’m already fighting with my own cousin; I don’t need to fight with my own boyfriend.” I rolled my eyes going into the bathroom. “Yeah like you care…” Anthony mumbled. “What’d you say?!” I said peeking my head through the door. “Nothing.” He said going back to watch T.V. “Ugh… jerk.” I went back to the bathroom.
~~~~~ Jenny POV ~~~~~
I was already up, listening to the conversation Jay was having with Kat and Sharp. And I guess I really did take this too far. I mean she won’t talk to me. I’ve never seen her this mad at me before. Like when we were teenagers, we had this one fight, but it was over a guy so we eventually got over it. But I must say, out of all the fights we had growing up, this has to be the worst. “Morning cowgirl.” Cody said kissing my cheek. “Morning hun.” I pouted. “Are you still upset with the whole fight you and Jamila had?” Cody frowned. “Yes.” I shrugged. “You know, I can talk to her for you!” he smiled. “Hun, I want you to be alive by the time Wrestlemania comes.” I laughed. “Oh damn, your right. I can still talk to her.” Cody said acting all tough. “Good luck.” I smiled giving him a kiss. Then Cody went back to sleep. “Knock, Knock! Are you decent Jennifer!?” Kat laughed. “Yes I am.” I said. “JENNY!!!!!!!” Heather screamed coming into the room. Looks like she recovered from her sickness she had for a while.
“Hey Heather.” I laughed. “Yeah aren’t you surprised she’s out of bed?! I was like ‘I forgot this chick was even here’.” Kat thought. “Well the ONLY person who would come to see me after the shows was Jay! Speaking of Jay, Jenny why’d you call her weak?! Like that shit was low!” Heather gasped. “Well it slipped out. I couldn’t help it. I just had too; she lost the match to me.” I shrugged. “Yeah but she made the pin to win the titles. Did you even think about that?! Eh Jenny?! DID YA?!” Heather squinted her eye. “Dude, Heather calm down.” Kat laughed. “Well you know, I gotta stand up for my Boo Boo.” She smiled. “I got it!” I said getting out of bed almost hitting Cody. Which I forgot he was even in the bed. “You got what?!” Heather thought. “An idea. Sheesh just shut up and listen. I should apologize to Jamila! Like in front of the WWE Universe. Maybe she will appreciate it. I have to apologize in front of the crowd.” I glared. “Baha! Good luck with that!” Kat laughed. “Shut up.” I glared at her. “I’m gonna go bother Jammy again. Before I get knocked out by Jenny. Then be called weak. KIDDING!” Kat said leaving the room. I should put her ass in a match.
~~~~~ My POV ~~~~~
“Char can you like not touch the remote to rewind when Randy got hit with a wrench.” I glared at her. “I’m sorry! It’s just that, the bitch that played his wife is REALLY bad at acting. She called for help like someone was giving her money for ice cream!” Charity yelled. “Aunt Lissa! Charity is getting mad again.” I yelled. “Char did you take your meds?” Melissa asked right away coming back into the living room. “Nope, I took my Flintstones vitamins though!” Charity laughed. “Don’t worry; she had a double dose of me last night.” Randy winked. “EWWW!!!!” Melissa and I yelled. “Just kidding! She had a triple dose.” Randy mumbled. “Come on! I just ate Randy!” I laughed. “Wow Charity, you’re blushing!” Melissa pointed. Charity just hid her face. “Aye JA-MIL-LA!” Kat yelled coming from the other room. “Did you really just say my name in syllables?!” I glared. “Yes, yes the hell I did!” She smiled. “Dude get outta here.” I laughed. “Oh well that’s not nice to say to me.” Sharp smiled, coming out nowhere. It’s like everyone is coming out of every room that I didn’t know we had. “Oh I wasn’t talking to you; I was talking to loud mouth Kat over there.” I pointed. “It’s not nice to POINT!!! Kat laughed. “Ask me if I care.” I uttered.
“Do you care?” Kat asked. “Nope!” I smiled. “Aare you two like Tom and Jerry or something?” Melissa thought. “If we were, then I would be Jerry, he wins all the time.” I replied. “No you don’t! Come on I over powered you in the Swag-O-Meter!” Kat yelled. “The swag-o-what?!?” Kane cocked his head. “The Swag-O-Meter. Kat and I used to post pictures on Twitter about how better our swag is.” I explained. “Yeah… Good times.” Kat laughed to herself. “Wow and I thought me and Lissa were weird.” Charity laughed. “You are.” We all said. Charity and Melissa just rolled their eyes. Then Anthony and Jenny came out of their rooms. “Guys, let’s go, I don’t want to be late.” I said glaring at Jenny and Anthony. “Boo you’re in your pj’s.” Heather laughed. “So, I can get ready when I’m at the arena.” I shrugged. “Oh aren’t you cool.” Kat laughed. “I know I am. You just don’t see it.” I smiled. “Where’s Tabby?” Shavelle asked. “Oh she’s at TNA with Matt.” Melissa replied. “Wait what?!” I cocked my head. “I think Jeff had stuff to take care of.” Charity thought. “Oh okay. I’ll call her later. Let’s go!!!!!!” I said pointing at the door.
~~~~~ At the arena 7:30 ~~~~~
I started putting my stuff away and I was trying to figure out… where the hell Kat went? We were supposed to be doing something with Kane and Sharpie. But knowing Kat, she was probably already starting without me. I find it unfair… I’m older then her. I saw Anthony putting his stuff away as well, he said hey to me. I just waved. I didn’t want to talk him; he put me in a bad mood. “Jammmmmyyy!!!!” Shavelle yelled from down the hall. That chick must have good eye sight. “Yes Shavelle?” I smiled. “You have a phone call!” She said shoving the phone in my face. “Who is it?” I thought. “Jenny’s dad.” She gasped. “Oh dear goodness…” I said getting the phone.
“Hello Uncle John.” I rolled my eyes.
“You know I don’t watch wrestling that much, but I heard you and Jenny are fighting. Again. Why?” He asked.
“Who the hell told you that?!” I glared at Shavelle. Which then she cocked her head.
“First of all don’t use that language around me. And second of all it was Anthony who told me.” Uncle John answered.
“Oh great! Now Anthony is telling you stuff. What else did he tell you?!” I was getting mad…
“HEY! You know better. Don’t raise your voice at me! But anyways don’t get off topic. Why are you and Jenny” Damn I tried to get off topic… it failed.
“Because after out match last week, she called me weak and I got mad. So I told her she was a horrible cousin, and that I wish she was never my cousin.” I shrugged. Shavelle’s mouth dropped.
“I taught you better then that. You shouldn’t be telling her stuff like that! We raised you, you know.” He said.
“No you didn’t, you only raised me on Monday’s and Friday’s.” I shook my head.
“Doesn’t matter, we always tell you and Jenny to never fight over stupid or crazy stuff.” Uncle John had a point…
“Well I’m currently giving her the silent treatment so, good luck with that. I gotta go the show is about to start. Bye Uncle John.” I sighed.
“Ugh, okay. Bye! Tell Jenny I’ll call her later.” Uncle John said. Then hanged up the phone. “Ugh!! I have an annoying Uncle.” I laughed. “Well you know he is trying to help you and Jenny get along.” Shavelle thought. ”You really want to give me the Jenny talk right now?!” I glared. “No not really. You make a weird glaring face.” Shavelle laughed. “Velly… just go take a walk… just go.” I smirked. “No!!! Okay you know what I should do that.” She laughed them walked away. Odd person.
Now I need to find Kat before… oh never mind. She was waiting on me the whole time. Funny… “Where the HELL have you been??!” Kat shrugged. “In Mars.” I laughed. “And you left me here!?” Sharpie gasped. “I really didn’t go to Mars. Stupid. Your knee injury is getting to your head.” I rolled my eyes laughing. “Okay enough! Now we have to watch RAW. Jenny’s starting.” Kat said pulling my arm. Why does everyone pull my arm?! It’s not a toy dammit! “I rather watch 1,000 ways to die…” I mumbled. “That show is gross.” Kane cocked his head. “No shit Sherlock.” I rolled my eyes.
~~~~~ 9:00 p.m. RAW Starting Jenny’s POV ~~~~~
“Charity, Melissa, you really think this is a good idea? I mean, heels don’t apologize…” I pouted. “Who cares? You’ll be fine! Trust us; Jammy doesn’t stay mad at family!” Melissa smiled. “Well you know, if you touch her tacos, she will go ape shit on ya!” Charity laughed. “Hello!! Stay on topic Char.” I waved my hands. “Well sorry. But anyways, don’t worry just say good things. Not bad things, GOOD things.” Charity said emphasis on the good. “Okay wish me luck!” I smiled leaving the room. “Good luck!!!” They yelled. “Well, well, well… if it isn’t cowgirl Jenny!” Heather said laughing. “What Heather?!” I rolled my eyes. “Nothing just wanted to tell you that Cody says hi!” She smiled. “That’s it?! He could of texted me you know…”I glared. “Well he’s stupid.” Heather smirked. I just gave her the death glare. “Okay… I’m leaving.” She said walking away. “Yeah that’s what I thought.” I said walking as well, but a different direction.
‘ALL MY LIVE I’VE BEEN GOOD, BUT NOW, OH OH OH OH THINKING WHAT THE HELL!’ My theme song started playing and I must say… I felt like I was getting Michael Cole boo’s. I walked into the ring; I grabbed a microphone and started talking. “I have to say, I kicked ass last week. But you know, me and my cousin, Jamila, and yes we are cousins you just don’t see that family thing we have, but anyways; we both are not seeing eye to eye. Or we aren’t on the same page. Let’s just watch what happened last week on RAW shall we.” I suggested. They showed on the tron what happened in the Diva’s tag team match. How I pinned Jamila (success!), then me calling her weak. “Sadly, I called my own cousin weak. Did I mean to do it? No. Why did I do it? Because I wanted to glop for like 3 minutes, OMG Would you guys just shut up! I’m trying to talk! Damn… but anyways, when we went backstage se called me a horrible cousin. Yeah I know I deserved it. But at this time, I would like it if Jamila could come down to this ring and at least hear my apology.” I suggested, I wonder if she will come out. Everyone was chanting ‘Jammy’ for the past 2 minutes.
‘DEAD INSIDE MY HEARTS ON FLATLINE PUT YOUR MOUTH ON MINE, AND BRING ME BACK TO LIFE’ well… at least she came. Everyone cheered for her. No fair. “What you want Jenny.” Jamila cocked her head. “Can you at least come down to the ring…?” I asked. “I don’t know, what if I don’t come down into the ring, you gonna call me a coward?!” She said walking down to the ring…slowly. “No, I rather not. I just wanted to say that I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to call you weak. Can you at least forgive me?” I pouted.
~~~~~ My POV ~~~~~
I waited like 5 minutes to answer, I just looked around the arena and saw everyone, well some people shaking their heads yes, some where shaking no. But, Jenny’s family, so I made up my mind. “Yeah. I can’t stay mad at my own cousin. I need somewhere to go during Christmas!” I smiled. “But you’re still on your own at Wrestlemania.”
“Okay. I guess I derive that.” Jenny shrugged. “Now before Lay-Cool or anyone else comes out, let’s get out of here. I do not like the environment I’m getting from the universe.” Jenny uttered. Great… now she starts. “Sorry guys, you either lover her or you hate her.” I shrugged then we walked out to backstage, where EVERYONE was standing. With smiled on their faces, kinda creepy. “So…are you two cousins/ friends again?” Shavelle smiled. Jenny and I looked at each other then said, “Yes, yes we are.” Then everyone started screaming and laughing. I didn’t know me and Jenny fought that bad that everyone started screaming. “Well... well… well… if it isn’t country girl Jenny and her city cousin ‘Jammy’ “Layla said with air quotes. “Oh great…” Charity mumbled. “Oh don’t worry Charity, this won’t take long. Your not getting any prettier anyways so don’t worry about it.” Michelle winked. “Now first of all! You don’t talk to Charity like that! Second of all what the hell do you bitches what!?” Melissa shouted. “Damn Lissa…” I said. “We just wanted to tell your little leaders that um… your little ‘friend’ Katrina…” I stopped Layla. “It’s Kat, get it right, and what the hell did you do too her!?” I said getting into Layla’s face. “Oh don’t worry; she will wake up from her concussion in a little while.” Michelle smiled. “Concuss... Move dammit!” I pushed Layla and Michelle out of my way, and ran to the locker room.
Pretty dark in this room… just hope I don’t trip over something. “Ah shit! Jenny! We need some trainers! Kat… Kat!! Dammit Kat wake the hell up!!” I rapidly shook her shoulders. “Hey Boo… Oh damn… what that hell happened in here?!” Heather gasped looking at Kat on the floor. “Freaking Lay-Cool jumped Kat. Dude she’s suppose to be going out there to like celebrate and have her little mini Chi-Town party!” I growled. “Ugh! Wait did she invite me?!” Heather thought. “FOCUS!” I shouted as the trainers came and started working on Kat. “Wait! Does anyone have any carrots?!” Everyone looked at me. “Kat loves carrots.” I explained. Then everyone stopped from being confused. “I have carrots! Well baby carrots.” Shavelle laughed. “CARROTS!” Kat yelled standing up, and then fell. “Wow Kat your, your really dumb.” Jenny laughed. “Shut up…” Kat glared at Jenny rubbing her head. “Where’s Patrick?! KANE!! KANER!!” Kat yelled. “Dude shut up. He’s in the gym with Anthony.” Melissa uttered. “Oh, well. That’s good… I think.” She raised her eyebrow. “Okay we are gonna take a walk, you just stay here… with Heather.” I shook my head. “Oh please no! I just got hit in the head! Heather might…. Heather might sing to me!” Kat gasped. “And WHAT the hell is wrong with my singing?!?!” Heather glared. “Nothing! It’s just that you sing so good… my head hurts.” Kat said sarcastically. “Bitch…” Heather mumbled. “Okay… walking away now.” Jenny said pulling my arm. “WAIT! I wanna go!” Nikie smiled. “Wow… Nikie how long have you been here?!” I gasped. “Like the WHOLE time. I’m to quiet for anyone to know I’m here.” She giggled. “Figured.” Jenny and I mumbled.
While we were walking and talking the unthinkable happened, The Rock stopped us… in the middle of the freaking hallway. “Well, well, well, does The Rock sense hatred?! Does The Rock sense Mr. Fruity Pebbles’ clique in front of me?! The Rock…” I stopped him. “OMG shut the hell up already! NO ONE CARES what The Rock does, NO ONE CARES what you’re cooking, because it’s probably burning, like your breath right now, and SURE AS HELL! NO ONE CARES about your corny candy ass. NOW if you’ll excuse me, The Jammy has to do stuff.” I rolled my eyes walking away, and then he stopped me. “Hold on! The Rock doesn’t like your attitude; The Rock probably should get Lita to kick your Jammy ass!” The Rock requested. “COME AT ME BRAH!” I shouted. “WHOA!” Hold on! No one is kicking no one’s candy ass’s up in this hallway. Well not when I’m around. Now Mr. Rock, you have been messing with my John for the pass couple of weeks, and it’s starting to get annoying. So I think you should leave me alone.” Nikie smiled. “Let The Rock think… The Rock says NO!!” He yelled, and then Nikie was getting ready to hurt the poor dude. “Okay… um Rock, your not on camera, either you stop speaking in third person or you go back to second grade and learn how to talk. You sound really stupid.” Jenny said rolling her eyes. “NOW if you’ll EXCUSE the Fruity Pebbles clique has stuff to do. Kick my candy ass, bitch please!” I said walking away with Jenny and Nikie.
~~~~~ Anthony’s POV ~~~~~
I’m in the gym with Kane working out, bored though, just a little bit. I haven’t talked to Jamila all day tonight, except this morning. It was more like an argument. But anyways, if she really decides to go with that Sharpie guy, then all hell will break lose. “What you gonna do with Jay?” Kane asked. “I don’t know, but if she goes with that Sharp guy, I will be pissed.” I glared. Speaking of Sharp… “Yo! Sharp!” Kane shouted. “Yo Kane! Working out for the playoff’s eh?” He asked. Ugh his voice just annoys me. “Yeah, you need to hurry up and like recover! We are kinda losing you know.” Kane explained. “Yeah but, what’s going on with Crawford? Losing his balance or something?” He asked. “You can say that.” Kane laughed. I just rolled my eyes; this crap is so freaking stupid. “Whoa, Anthony what’s up with you dude?” Sharp smirked. “Well, I don’t know? Why is MY girl all over you! You’re a hockey player.” I stood up. “Well, is it my fault she loves hockey, and that I’M her #! Favorite!?” Sharp gasped. “Dude… that hurts.” Kane sighed. “Your #2 don’t worry.” Sharp laughed. “Now, does it look like I care if she loves hockey?! You can’t just walk up in here and decide to take Jay away from me!” I shouted. “Guys, what about we have Jamila decide??” Kane suggested. “You know short stuff has a point” I thought. “I’m not short…” Kane glared. “Fine! Let her decide!” Sharp shouted then we both headed upstairs to the locker room where Jamila, Kat, Charity, Melissa, and Heather were watching Ghost Adventures.
~~~~~ My POV ~~~~~
“Did you guys hear that ghost?!” Melissa asked frightened. “You know, I wonder if all of this is fake.” Kat asked. We all just gave her that scary glare. “OKAY! It was just a question!” Kat shouted. “Jay beware of the trouble that is coming to you.” Kane said trying to catch his breath. “What the hell, didn’t I get rid of Lay-Cool already?!” I shook my head. “You’re not even close…” Kane mumbled. “Jay, would you choose Sharp?! Or would you choose me?” Anthony said busting through the door. “Wait what??!” I was so confused. “Oh damn, anyone want some popcorn?” Kat asked. “Extra butter please!” Everyone said. “Jay would you?!” Sharp asked. “The fuck?! Kane, what did you do?!” I looked at him. “I…didn’t… do JACK!” He said then hid his face. “Jammy I think you gotta choose…” Charity suggested. “Char, you are NOT helping.” I cocked my head. “Guys, why must you put Jamila on the spot? HUH?!” Melissa thought. “Wait, I need to think… I will be right back. I need to make a phone call.” I said then leaving the room. I took out my phone and quickly dialed Tabby’s number.
“Jam Jamz!” Tabby yelled.
“Hey Tabby, um I need your help.”
“With what? Who made you mad?! Do I need to get my shovel?!?” She asked. Tabby is very protective.
“No, it’s Sharp and Anthony, they want me to choose which one I want to date.” I pouted.
“Oh Jamz, Wait Sharp?! The Canadian?! Oh he’s cute. But anyways, I think you should stay with Anthony. Even though you two had your rights, which was really annoying, I think you should stay with Anthony and be best friends with Sharp.” I can tell Tabby was smiling, I can hear Jeff sitting next to her.
“You think I should? Well okay, I’ll think about it.” I pouted.
“No you crazy shovel person! Pick Anthony, there’s no reason for you to be thinking.” She said.
“Oka you have a point.” I shrugged.
“Good! Now I gotta go, Jeff is making tacos! And you better hurry! Jenny and Cody are hungry!” She shouted. Then she hanged up. “Well good-bye to you too Tabby.” I laughed to myself. I went back to the room and I all eyes were on me. “Did I miss something?” I looked at everyone. “We ran out of popcorn… that’s about it.” Heather shrugged. I glared at her. “Well… Sharpie, you are like a best friend to me, I just wish you were here earlier. But, I have to choose Anthony. I can’t dump him. I love him.” I smiled. “AWWW” Charity, Kat, Heather, Melissa and Kane said. “Really?! If you guys do that again…” I glared. “Don’t worry Jay; I wasn’t ‘trying’ to take you away from Anthony.” Sharp said. “Gosh! Just shut up already!” Anthony shouted. “Really don’t act like a douche bag.” I shook my head. “Can we go home now!!!? Jeff is making tacos!” Charity smiled. “Oh yeah! Come on let’s go!” I said.
~~~~~ At the hotel ~~~~~
“OKAY I’M HERE! NO ONE TOUCHES THE TACOS!!!!” I shouted running into the room. “Wow just in time Jamz, Jeff just finished making them.” Tabby laughed. “MOVE! Get OUT of my WAY!!!” I said grabbing a plate and putting 3 tacos on my plate. “Wow, did you eat at all today?” Jeff asked. “NOPE! At least I can come home to a well cook meal.” I smiled. “Jay, you act like you haven’t had tacos in a while.” Jenny uttered. “Because I didn’t! Leave me alone to my taco moment!” I yelled. “Do you have any carrots!?” Kat jumped. “No Bugs Bunny we don’t have carrots.” Melissa laughed. “Do I LOOK like Bugs Bunny to you?!” Kat glared. Then all over a sudden there was a smack. Everyone went quiet. “IF, you EVER touch my tacos again… you will ne in a match with Anthony!” I yelled at Cody. “Jay what the hell!? I know you didn’t just slap Cody?!” Jenny shouted. “He touched my tacos dammit!” I glared at him. “You didn’t have to hit me…” Cody pouted. Then Jenny tried to slap, but I moved and she hits Cody by accident. “Bhahah!” You just hit your own boyfriend.” Kat laughed. Jenny gave her the death glare. “Okay, well I think we should go to bed, come on Kat.” Kane said pushing Kat into the room. “Cody I think we should do the same thing, before you risk anymore damage.” Jenny suggested. “Okay, I agree with you.” Cody said glaring at me. “Yeah here’s a lesson; ‘No toucho my taco.” I smiled. “Night y’all.” Jenny said going into the room laughing. ”Same here, baby girl you coming?” Anthony asked. “Yeah, I’m coming.” I said getting up and following him to the room. “Night Sharpie.” I smiled waving at him. “Night Jay.” He smiled back.
I went to the bathroom and freshened up, got my fresh pj’s on, looking fresh to death, ready to go to bed. And yes you have to look fresh when you’re going to bed. It’s in the Jammy handbook. Anthony was ready for bed, I was ready for bed. We said our ‘I love you’ to each other, then we went to sleep. We are so ready for Wrestlemania! This Sunday! In my best state of them all, ATL!!!
~~~ The End (: ~~~
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