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Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Great.... Don't you just love surpises!....

It’s like everyone is like hiding something from me. John, Anthony, Cody and Nikie aren’t talking to me, Jenny; well Jenny is always up to something. Randy is not popping out of places anymore, which is starting to scare me more. Anthony hasn’t talk to me in the past 2 hours since we got here. So I’m guessing something is wrong. Oh well, everyone is always in a good mood when RAW is on. Go Figure.

~~~~~~~~Jenny’s POV~~~~~~~~

“Anthony hurry up we don’t have time to waste!” I said putting the cake in the fridge. “Jeez Jenny hold on. Jay is still mad at me for not telling her what I’m doing. She thinks I’m cheating.” Anthony said. “Yeah we aren’t going into that again. Just tell her that you’re working on something with me. She will understand, trust me, I know Jamila.” I said. “Okay let me make a phone call, and I will be right back.” Anthony said. “Hurry up!” I said.

~~~~~~~~~~Anthony’s POV~~~~~~~~

“I hope she answers her phone. I don’t want her mad at me.” I said to myself.
“Hello.” Jamila sounded upset.
“Baby girl what’s wrong?” I asked
Nothing, I’m fine. Do you need something; I’m kind of busy helping Tyson with something.” She said. You can tell she’s mad; she always stops in between her sentences.
“Just wanted to tell you that I’m here, helping Jenny with something.” I said.
Why, can’t I help?” She asked.
“I can’t tell you.” I said pouting.
“Okay, whatever I’m hanging up now.” Jamila said getting ready to cry.
“Wait don’t…” to late she already hanged up. I went back into the room, with a worried look on my face.

~~~~~Jenny’s POV~~~~

“What’s wrong?” I asked. “Jay’s mad at me and she’s with Tyson probably snuggling up to him right now, tell him that I’m a bad boyfriend.” Anthony said.  “Anthony, Jamila knows better not to say things like that. She’s not doing that, trust me.”
“Knock, knock! We got the balloons!” John said walking in the room with Nikie. “Why the long face Anthony?” Nikie asked. “Jay thinks I’m cheating.” He said. “Yeah, with who? The Bellas?!” Nikie cocked her head. “No, well I don’t know she’s like pissed at me and like she probably won’t talk to me.” Anthony said. “Who is she with?” John asked. “Tyson.” I said. “Oh wow” John said “Jen do you have my phone?” John said checking his pockets. “Yeah they are over there on the coffee table.” I pointed. “Okay everyone be quiet. I’m calling Jay right now, and it’s going to be on speaker.” Everyone went dead silent.
“Hello?” Tyson answered.
“Tyson why the hell do you have Jay’s phone?” John yelled into the phone
“Because she left it here.” Tyson said.
“Where is she?” John asked.
“I don’t know, I left the room for like 2 minutes and she’s gone.” Tyson said.
“Oh damn. What are we going to do now?!” Anthony asked.
“Let me call you back Tyson.” John said.
“Wait she’s probably in the audience seats. She always goes there to clear her mind.” I said. “Anthony if I were you, I would go talk to her.” Nikie said. “Yeah but she’s mad at me.”Anthony said. “I don’t care! Just go before she puts you in the hardest match ever and I end up making it official.” I said. “Okay fine.” Anthony said getting up. Just then Cody came in the room and everyone is surprised that he’s here without hold his nose. “Okay well I’m leaving now…” Anthony said looking at Cody.
“What?” Cody said. “Nothing hun just help with the decorations.” I said handing him some balloons.

~~~~~~~~~~Anthony’s POV~~~~~~~

I don’t like it Jamila’s mad at me. Like I mean she’s hardly mad at me but still she would avoid people for days. I walk down the ramp to find Jamila in one of the front row seats crying. I run over there to see if she’s still mad at me. “Baby girl please talk to me.” I begged. “No just leave me alone, you’ve done enough.” She said turning her back to me. “Babe don’t you think your over exaggerating just a little bit?” I said hold her should but she slapped my hand and walked off. I ran after her and turned her around. “Don’t! Touch me.” She said. “Can you at lease sit down and talk to me. Please?” I begged again. “Fine, whatever.” She said wiping her tears away. “Now we don’t have a lot of time left but you have to realize, I’m busy when I’m helping Jenny. You can’t be with me every minute.” I said hold her hands. “Yeah I know, but you know I hate it when you’re hiding things from me.” She said looking at the floor. “Can you at least look at me please?” I asked. Jamila puts her head up and looks me straight in the eyes. You can tell she was upset, her eyes are red like she’s been crying for like years. “Please forgive me.” I said putting my arm around her. “I’m sorry. And yes I forgive you.” Jamila said giving me a hug. I gave her a kiss and helped her get up from the chair. “Now go back to the diva’s locker room and just chillax for the next hours or two till your match tonight.” I said. “I don’t have one tonight, the “mystery” GM gave me a day off because my birthday is soon. But I am ringside for John’s “match” he’s not really fighting he's the ref.” She said with her head on my arm. “Oh yeah your right, I heard. Well then just go and stay in the Diva’s locker room. Oh by the way get your phone from Tyson. Call me if you need anything.” I said walking back to the Jenny’s locker room.

~~~~~~~~~~My POV~~~~~~~~~

Oh great Anthony left me alone. Isn’t he a smart cookie? I don’t want to go to the locker room. It’s nasty in there. Especially since Maryse is on there. Oh my goodness I hate her. She will never let go of the fact that her and Ted lost in the mixed tag team match a couple weeks ago. It’s just horrible. But walking into the divas locker room is really quiet. This is why I stay in Jenny’s room. It’s loud and crazy. Well that’s because we do have the backstage crew with us. I walked down the hallways and I was stopped by Alex Riley and Miz. “Hey Jamila, Happy soon-to-be birthday.” Alex said. “Thanks Alex.” I smiled; I glared at Miz because he couldn’t at least take one eye off the belt. “Oh yeah, happy early birthday Jay.” Miz said. “Yeah thanks you guys. I gotta go talk to you guys later.” I said waving. “Bye Jay.” Alex and Miz said.
“Wow weird.” I said to myself. When I opened the divas locker room door Melina, Nattie and the Bellas were in there. “Hey everyone.” I said sitting on the bench. “Hey Jay!!! Happy early birthday!” They all said running up to me giving me a hug. “Thanks.” I smiled. “Oh look Edge is starting RAW.” Melina said. “He is?” Nikie Bella said. “Go figure.” Bre Bella said.

~~~~~~~~~Jenny’s POV~~~~~~~~

“Okay Nikie, Anthony, Cody are you guys ready!? But just remember NO ONE tells Jamila about this.” I glared at Anthony. “Why are you looking at me like that for?!” Anthony raised his hands. “Because, you never keep secrets that long.” I laughed. “Yeah, you got a point.” He looked at the wall. “Now all we gotta do is keep this door locked, and we will be fine!” I said. “Doesn’t Jamila have a key too?” Nikie asked. “Damn it… will just keep her out of this room.” I explained. “Commercial!” Cody yelled. “Wow you’re a dork.” Anthony said. I glared at him again and he turned to the wall. Then John walked into the door to hear the rest of the plans. Then walked out a couple minutes later to find Jamila.

~~~~~1 HOUR PASSED My POV~~~~~~~

“Knock, Knock is Jamila in here?” John asked on the other side of the door. I went and opened the door. “Yeah, I’m coming just looking for my shoes then I will be right out.” I said. “Okay take your time Jay. Wade and Punk’s entrances are slow anyways.” John said leaning on the wall. Yeah I know at least you have me at your corner to make sure Miz doesn’t do anything stupid.” I said closing the door behind me. “Yeah I know and I appreciate that Jay.” John smiled. “No problem John.” I smiled back.
John’s music plays and typical John he gets his happy face on and is ready to whop some ass! He stares at Wade then Punk then at me to make sure everything is okay. I gave him a nod and told him “I got this”. A couple minutes within the match Nexus tried to get Punk a “helping hand” but I went and stopped them and next thing I know the bell has rung and Justin said that it’s a double DQ and the stupid GM told John to apologize to both Wade and Punk for his actions because John was abusing his power. I was pissed. I can sense Nikie was pissed to. John got in the ring and said sorry and started throwing punches just then Big Show’s theme started playing and everyone in the locker room came out and started a Mini Royal Rumble. Then I heard one of the camera men said that Raw is off the air. And John, pulling me arm, saying we gotta hurry up and meet Jenny.
John stopped at the top of the ramp bowed, Jenny told me to hurry up and I bowed as well. Jenny brings me back stage to the locker room and no superstars were at sight even though they aren’t in the ring anymore. No superstars, no trainers were in sight. “Am I getting kidnapped or something? Because it’s like dead quiet right now.” I said. “Just shut up and open the door.” Jenny smiled. “Okay… weirdo.” I mumbled. “I heard that.” Jenny said. “Good, you were suppose to.” I laughed. “Jerk.” Jenny glared.
Just when I opened the door, the lights went on and everyone yelled “SURPRISED!” My eyes got wide and Cody smiled, Anthony came over to me and gave me a hug and a kiss. “Happy Birthday baby girl.” He smiled. “Happy Birthday Jay!” Everyone yelled. I was still shocked about everything my face is still frozen. “Is she going to faint?” Cody asked. “Wait what” I shook my head “Who told you….Jenny.” I glared at her. “Happy Birthday Jay.” Jenny smiled handing me a present. “Yeah, I well let this slide. Just wait till your birthday Jenny.” I smirked. “Yeah Jenny we have a huge surprise for you!” Anthony said. “I was never told of this!” Cody gasped. “Well maybe you’re just too caught up in your ‘dashing’ looks you hardly pay attention.” John said. “Okay guys relax, this day is to celebrate Jamila.” Said Randy. “Yeah, so, let’s get the cake!” Nikie yelled.
Great way to spend the rest of RAW; backstage with all of the superstars and the crew, Jenny, Anthony, Nikie, Randy, John and Cody. Awesome birthday party.


  1. Lol I know xD I couldn't think of anything else.

  2. LoL, oh god, I'm scared for my birthday, knowing the way John acts in yours he gonna like literally kidnapp me LoL....wait, he might do that in mine.....hmmm....anyways, GREAT blog! Loved it!! Lay-Cool wasn't invited were they? LoL
